User Commands scp(1) NAME scp - secure copy (remote file copy program) SYNOPSIS scp [-pqrvC46] [-S program] [-P port] [-c cipher] [-i identityfile] [-o option] [ [user1@]host1:]file1 [ [user2@]host2:]file2 [...] DESCRIPTION The scp utility copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh(1) for data transfer, and uses the same authentica- tion and provides the same security as ssh(1). Unlike rcp(1), scp will ask for passwords or passphrases if they are needed for authentication. Any file name may contain a host and user specification to indicate that the file is to be copied to/from that host. Copies between two remote hosts are permitted. OPTIONS The following options are supported: -4 Forces scp to use IPv4 addresses only. -6 Forces scp to use IPv6 addresses only. -B Selects batch mode. (Prevents asking for passwords or passphrases.) -c cipher Selects the cipher to use for encrypting the data transfer. This option is directly passed to ssh(1). -C Compression enable. Passes the -C flag to ssh(1) to enable compression. -i identityfile Selects the file from which the identity (private key) for RSA authentication is read. This option is directly passed to ssh(1). -o option The given option is directly passed to ssh(1). -p Preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the original file. -P port Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host. Notice that this option is written with a capital `P', because -p is already reserved for preserving the times and modes of the file in rcp(1). SunOS 5.9 Last change: 25 Feb 2002 1 User Commands scp(1) -q Disables the progress meter. -r Recursively copies entire directories. -S program Specifies the name of the program to use for the encrypted connection. The program must understand ssh(1) options. -v Verbose mode. Causes scp and ssh(1) to print debugging messages about their progress. This is helpful in debugging connection, authentication, and configura- tion problems. OPERANDS The following operands are supported: host1, host2,... The name(s) of the host from or to which the file is to be copied. file1, file2,... The file(s) to be copied. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | ||| | Availability | SUNWsshu | ||| SEE ALSO rcp(1), ssh(1), ssh-add(1), ssh-agent(1), ssh-keygen(1), sshd(1M), attributes(5) To view license terms, attribution, and copyright for OpenSSH, the default path is /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWsshdr/install/copyright. If the Solaris operating environment has been installed anywhere other than the default, modify the given path to access the file at the installed location. SunOS 5.9 Last change: 25 Feb 2002 2 User Commands scp(1) AUTHORS scp is based on the rcp(1) program in the BSD source code from the Regents of the University of California. The authors are Timo Rinne and Tatu Ylonen. SunOS 5.9 Last change: 25 Feb 2002 3