ECE 6612  Schedule and Textbook Reading Assignments
Spring 2016

Date Day Topic Reading Assignment
1/11 Mon. Introduction Chapter 1
1/13 Wed. Security Services   "
1/15 Fri.   Attacks and Defenses 
1/18 Mon.     MLK Holiday   "
1/20 Wed.  Symmetric Encryption   Chapter 2
1/22 Fri.       Cipher-Block Modes   "
1/25 Mon.        Key Distribution
Wed. Public-Key Cryptography  Chapter 3
1/29 Fri.   Secure Hash Functions   "
2/1 Mon.   Digital Signatures   "
Wed. Authentication Chapter 4
2/5 Fri. Kerberos, X.509   "
2/8 Mon. Guest Speaker or Paper Discussion   "
2/10 Wed. Email Security Chapter 5
2/12 Fri.   "
2/15 Mon.  PGP S/MIME   "
2/17 Wed. Review  Review Q2 ppt
2/19 Fri. Quiz 1
2/22 Mon. IP Networks, IPsec (6) Chapter 6
Wed. Domain Name System  (6a)   "
2/26 Fri. Web Security, SSL Chapter 7
Mon.  TLS and SET
Wed. Intruders, Detection and Protection Chapter 9a,b,c
Fri. Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, BotNets   Drop Day
Mon. Firewalls, Design Principles (slides 10a)
Chapter 10
3/9 Wed. Trusted Systems (slides 10b)   "
3/11 Fri. TCP-IP, beyond the RFCs Slides 11
3/14 Mon.  Network Security Organizations, Utilities Slides 13
3/16 Wed.  Book "Hacking, the Art of Exploitation"  Book 
3/18 Fri.    "
  " Sides 18
3/21-25 Mon.-Fri. SPRING BREAK  
3/28 Mon.  Overview of Network Security Exercise   Slides 17
3/30 Wed.  Review   Review Q2 ppt
Fri.  Quiz 2    Quiz-2
Mon.    Buffer Overflow, Shellcode Insertion"
    Slides 18
4/6 Wed.    Guest - TBD
4/8 Fri.  Team Meetings - lab and various locations
4/11 Mon.   Wireless Network Security  Slides 14
4/13 Wed.   Safe Computing, Voting Machines  Slides 16, video
4/15 Fri.   Hidden Data, Q&A for Lab
 Slides 15
4/18 Mon.   Security Lab Exercise, Klaus 2446  
4/20 Wed.   Security Lab Exercise, Klaus 2446
Fri.  Exam Topics, Hacking Voting Machines
Mon.   NetSecLab Results and Exam Questions   Slides 20
Wed.   Reading Day - no class
Fri.    EXAM - Klaus 2447    11:30 - 2:20

Remote Students have 7 extra days to turn in assignments and take quizzes.

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Last Updated on 1/12//2016
By John Copeland