Welcome to
John Copeland's
Web Site
Biographical Info
School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering (ECE),
Georgia Institute of Technology
Last Update - 10/19/2008

Dr. John A. Copeland is the John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Chaired Professor at the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and an at-large member of the College of Computing faculty (1993-present).  He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on communications networks and network security, and does research in those areas (http://www.csc.gatech.edu). He was Director of the Georgia Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology (1993-1996), Vice President, Technology at Hayes Microcomputer Products (1985-1993), and Vice President, Engineering Technology at Sangamo Weston, Inc. (1982-1985), and did research at Bell Labs on semiconductor circuits and optical fiber networks (1965-1982).

Dr. Copeland received B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the Georgia Tech. He has been awarded 48 patents and has published over 60 technical papers. In 1970 he received the IEEE's Morris N. Liebmann Award for work on LSA millimeter-wave devices. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and has served as the Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. He served on the Board of Trustees for the Georgia Tech Research Corporation (1983-1993). He is a member of Infragard and the ACM SIGSAC.

In 2000, he invented the StealthWatch network behavior anomaly detection system, and founded Lancope (http://www.lancope.com) which has deployed the StealthWatch system on over 100 corporate and government networks (awards)(articles).

Mac Flood Attack - OS-9 Macintoshes connected to high-speed Internet connections can be used for Denial of Service attacks on many organizations connections to the Internet. Evidence has been found that their Internet addresses are being collected by scanning for a later attack, possibly New Years Eve. [detailed description]. Apple developed a patch within a week, but it had to be be installed by most users to be effective.  The warning was spread by Atlanta Journal-Constitution articles, and Fox News Network report (mp4 video), 12/29/99.

Recent interview in the Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine.  [local copy]

Student Project - Network for Douglass High School

Information on Special Research Problem Courses (elective).

PhD Student Photos

Web Site for the ECE Communications Systems Center

Information on Special Research Problem courses for undergraduate and graduate students.

Web Site for ECE6612, Network Data Security, Fall 2005, 2006, Spring 2007 through 2015

Web Site for ECE3600, Computer Communications, Spring 2014, Spring 2015

Web Site for ECE3056, Architecture, Concurrency, and Energy in Computation, Fall 2014

Web Site for ECE3076, Computer Communications, Spring and Fall 2007, Fall 2008

Web Site for ECE6612, Network Data Security, Spring 2008, 2009 - NetSec Exercise Poster

Web Site for ECE3076, Computer Communications, Spring and Fall 2007, Fall 2008

Web Site for ECE3076, Computer Communications, Summer 2006

Web Site for ECE4110, Internetwork Programming, Spring 2006

Web Site for Prof. Educ. Course, Enterprise Network Security, Feb. 7-9, 2006

Web Site for ECE3055, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, Spr.'05

Web Site for ECE8843, Network Data Security, Fall 2004

Web Site for ECE2030, Intro. to Computer Engineering, Spring 2004

Web Site for ECE8843, Network Data Security, Fall 2003

Web Site for ECE2030b, Intro. to Computer Engineering, Fall 2002

Web Site for ECE8843, Network Data Security, Spring 2002

Web Site for ECE2030h, Intro. to Computer Engineering, Fall 2001

Web Site for ECE4005c, Capstone Design Course, Computer Networks, Spring 2001

Web Site for ECE4603, Computer Communication Networks, Fall 2000

Web Site for ECE8813, Network Data Security, Summer 2000

Web Site for ECE3055, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, Spr.'00

Web Site for EE6607, Computer Networks, Fall '99

Web Site for EE6086, Cryptography and Data Security, Sum.'99

Web Site for EE4074, Local Computer Networks, Spring '99

Web Site for EE6092, Computer Networks, Fall '98 (Network for Douglass High)

Web Site for EE3200, Elements of EE I, Fall '97

PGP Public Key (for encrypting and verifying email)

Office Hours by Appointment. Send email to me (john.copeland at ece.gatech.edu) or contact Mrs. Kathy Cheek (Klaus 3414, 404 894-5696, kathy.cheek at ece.gatech.edu) to set up an appointment. My phone numbers are 404 894-5177, fax 404 894-0035.


Park in the visitors' lot next to Physics. Walk south on Atlantic, turn left after passing the College of Computing Building.

Cross the bridge that goes east from the breezeway between CoC and MiRC, across to the third floor of Klaus.  Keep straight through the building, turn left at the last cross hall, first office on the right (3362).

Georgia Tech, ECE-0765; Atlanta, GA 30332-0765

My email address is

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