John Copeland's Papers and Presentations

Published Books and Parts of Books

J. A. Copeland, "Communications," section in Science Year-1976, 1976, pp. 262-264.

J. A. Copeland, "Communications," section in Science Year-1975, 1975, pp. 266-267.

J. A. Copeland and S. Knight, "Applications Utilizing Bulk Negative Resistance," chapter in Conductors and Semimetals, vol. 7A, 1971, pp. 3-72.

J. A. Copeland, "LSA Solid State Oscillators," section in McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw Hill (New York), 1969.

J. A. Copeland, "Solid State Microwave Oscillators," section in Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physics, Pergamon Press (New York), 1969.

Wm. Shockley, J. A. Copeland, R. P. James, "The Impedance Field Method of Noise Calculation in Active Semiconductor Devices," chapter in Quantum Mechanics of Atoms. Molecules and the Solid State, Academic Press (New York), 1966, pp. 537-563.

Refereed Journal Publications

John A. Copeland, Randal Abler, Keith L. Bernhardt, "IP Flow Identification for IP Traffic Carried over Switched Networks," submitted to Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, July 1998.

Brian E. Barnes, Myung C. Choi, John A. Copeland, and Henry L. Owen, "Network management of IP-Based Flows on an RSVP over ATM Edge Device - A Real-Time Unified Approach,", submitted to European Transactions on Telecommunications, June 1998.

Timucin Ozugur, Mahmoud Naghshineh, Parviz Kermani, C. Michael Olsen, Babak Rezvani, and John A. Copeland, " Balanced Media Access Methods for Wireless Networks," submitted to IEEE Journal for Selected Areas in Communications," May 1998.

John A. Copeland, "Data Compression Techniques for PC Communications," IEEE Journal for Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 7, pp 246-248, Feb. 1989.

J. A. Copeland, "Fluctuations in Semiconductor Laser Emissions," J. Appl. Phys., vol. 54, May 1983.

J. C. Campbell, G. J. Qua, J. A. Copeland, and A. G. Dentai, "Light Activated Electroluminescent with an Active Feedback Circuit," J. Appl. Phys., vol. 53, July 1982.

T. P. Lee, C. A. Burrus, J. A. Copeland, A. G. Dentai, and D. Marcuse, "Short Cavity InGaAsP: Dependence of Mode Spectra and Single-Longitudinal-Mode Power on Cavity Length," J. Quantum Electronics, vol. QE-18, July 1982.

A. A. Bergh, J. A. Copeland, and J. H. Wernick, "The Growing Role of LED's, Bell Labs Record, vol. 60, Jan. 1982.

J. A. Copeland, "Heavily Doped Semiconductor Lasers, IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics," vol. QE-17, pp. 2187-2190, Nov. 1981.

A. A. Bergh and J. A. Copeland, "Optical Sources for Fiber Transmission Systems," Proc. IEEE, vol. 68, Nov. 1980.

J. A. Copeland, "Single-Mode Stabilization by Traps in Semiconductor Lasers," IEEE J. of Quantum Elec., vol. QE-16, pp. 721-727, July 1980.

D. Gloge and J. A. Copeland, "High-Speed Digital Lightwave Communication Using LED's and PIN Photodiodes at 1.3um," BSTJ, vol. 59, pp. 1365-1385, Oct. 1980.

J. A. Copeland, "Triggerable Semiconductor Lasers and Light-Coupled Logic," J. Appl. Phys., vol. 51, pp. 1919-1921, April 1980.

J. A. Copeland, S. M. Abbott and W. S. Holden, "Triggerable Semiconductor Lasers," IEEE J. Quantum Elec., vol. QE-16, pp. 388-390, April 1980.

J. A. Copeland, "Numerical Simulation of Self-Pulsing Semiconductor Lasers with Electron Traps," Numerical Anal. Semic. Devices, vol. 1979, pp. 202-204, June 1979.

J. A. Copeland, "Semiconductor Laser Self-Pulsing Due to Deep-Level Traps," Electronics Letters, vol. 14, pp.809-810, Dec. 7, 1978.

J. A. Copeland, A. G. Dentai and T. P. Lee, "p-n-p-n Optical Detectors and Light-Emitting Diodes," IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. QE-14, pp. 810-813, Nov. 1978.

J. A. Copeland, "Stripe-Domain Dynamics in Bubble-Domain Circuits," IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. MAG-9, pp. 660-663, Dec. 1973.

R. M. Goldstein, M. Shoji, and J. A. Copeland, "Bubble Forces in Cylindrical Domain Systems," J. Appl. Phys., vol. 44, pp. 4090-4095, Dec. 1973.

J. A. Copeland, J. G. Josenhans, and R. R. Spiwak, "Circuit and Module Design for Conductor-Groove Bubble Memories," IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. MAG-9, pp. 489-492, Sept. 1973.

J. A. Copeland, "Recent Developments in Magnetic Bubble Technology," Proc. of 1971 Metallurgical Society J. Electronic Materials, vol. no. 3, pp. 420-424, 1972.

J. A. Copeland, "Theory of Single-Current Domain Propagation Circuits," IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. MAG-8, no. 2, pp. 241-243, June 1972.

J. A. Copeland, "Magnetization of Small Permalloy Circuit Elements," J. Appl. Physics, vol. 43, no.4, pp. 1905-1908, April 1973.

J. A. Copeland and R. R. Spiwak, "Circular Domain Velocity Versus Force," IEEE Trans. Magnetic, vol. MAG-7, no. 3, pp. 748-751, Sept. 1971.

R. M. Goldstein, and J. A. Copeland, "Permalloy Rail-Cylindrical Magnetic Domain Systems," J. Appl. Phys., vol. 42, pp. 2361-2367, May 1971.

J. A. Copeland, J. P. Elward, W. A. Johnson, and J. G. Ruch, "Single-Conductor Magnetic-Bubble Propagation Circuits," J. Appl. Physics, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1266-1267, March 15, 1971.

J. A. Copeland, "Diode Edge Effect on Doping-Profile Measurement," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-17, pp. 404-407, May 1970.

J. A. Copeland, "LSA Oscillator Waveforms to High Efficiency," Proceedings IEEE, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 1666-1667, Sept. 1969.

J. A. Copeland, "A Technique for Directly Plotting the Inverse Doping Profile of Semiconductor Wafers," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices," vol. ED-16, no. 5, pp. 445-449, May 1969.

J. A. Copeland, "Growth of 2- or 3-Dimensional Space-Charge from Negative Differential Resistivity, J. Appl. Physics, vol. 39, pp. 5101-5103, Oct. 1968.

J. A. Copeland and S. Knight, " Theoretical Predictions and Experimental Results on LSA Devices," NEREM Record, vol. 9, pp. 26-27, Nov. 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "Doping Uniformity and Geometry of LSA Oscillator Diodes," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices," vol. 14, pp. 497-500, Sept. 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "Characterization of Bulk Negative Resistance Diode Behavior," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 14, pp. 461-463, Sept. 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "LSA Oscillator Diode Theory," J. Appl. Physics, vol. 38, pp. 3096-3101, July 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "Bulk Negative Resistance Semiconductor Devices," IEEE Spectrum, vol. 4, pp. 71-77, May 1967.

J. A. Copeland, T. Hayashi and M. Uenohara, "Logic and Memory Elements Using Two-Valley Semiconductors, Proc. IEEE, vol. 55, pp.584-585, April 1967.

J. A. Copeland, T. Hayashi and M. Uenohara, "Logic Elements Using Two-Valley Properties of Compound Semiconductors," Proc. IEEE (Letters), vol. 55, pp. 584-585, April 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "Theoretical Study of a Gunn Diode in a Resonant Circuit," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 14, pp. 55-58, Feb. 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "CW Operation of LSA Oscillator Diodes, 44 to 80 GHz," BSTJ, vol. 46, pp. 284-287, Jan. 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "Interpretation of Short Pulse Measurements of Electron Velocity in GaAs," Phys. Letters, vol. 24A, pp. 9-10, Jan. 2, 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "A New Mode of Operation for Bulk Negative Resistance," IEEE Proc. (Letters), vol. 54, p. 1479, 1966.

J. A. Copeland, "Switching and Low-Field Breakdown in n-GaAs Bulk Diodes," Appl. Phys. Letters, vol. 9, pp. 140-142, 1966.

J. A. Copeland, "Stable Space-Charge Layers in Two-Valley Semiconductors," J. Appl. Physics, vol. 37, pp. 3602-3609, 1966.

J. A. Copeland and H. Gersch, "First-Order Green's Function Theory of the Heisenberg Ferromagnet," Phys. Rev., vol. 143, pp. 236-244, 1966.

J. A. Copeland, "Electrostatic Domains in Two-Valley Semiconductor," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices," vol. 13, pp. 189-192, 1966.

J. A. Copeland, C. K. Kuo and E. J. Scheibner, "Hysteresis Loop Tracer for Thin Films in Ultrahigh Vacuum," Rev. Sci. Inst., vol. 36, pp. 291-294, 1965.

J. A. Copeland and F. B. Humphrey, "Flux Reversal by Neel Wall Motion," J. Appl. Physics, vol. 34, pp. 1211-1212, 1963.

Refereed Conference Publications

B. E. Barnes, M. C. Choi, J. A. Copeland, H. L. Owen, and J. Sokol, "Architecture of an RSVP/ATM Edge Device," 1999 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communicationms Conference Feb 10-12 1999, Phoenix, submitted July 16, 1998.

S.-H. Jeong and J. A. Copeland, "Cell Loss Ratio and Multiplexing Gain of an ATM Multiplexer for

VBR Voice Sources," IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'98), Boston, Sept. 1998.

T. Ozugur, M. Naghshineh, P. Kermani, C. Michael Olsen, B. Rezvani, and J. A. Copeland, "ARQ Protocol for Infrared Wireless LANs: Packet-Level ACK or No-Packet-Level ACK?," IEEE ICUPC'98, Boston, Sept. 1998.

T. Ozugur, M. Naghshineh, P. Kermani, C. Michael Olsen, B. Rezvani, and J. A. Copeland, "Performance Evaluation of L-PPM Links Using Repetition Rate Coding," PIMRC'98, Sept. 1998.

T. Ozugur, M. Arpaci and J. A. Copeland, "Prediction of Variable Bit Rate Traffic Using Earthquake Prediction Methods", Workshop on Workload Characterization in High Performance Computing Environments (jointly with MASCOTS'98), Montreal, Canada, July 1998.

S. Wang, H. Zheng, R. Abler, and J. A. Copeland, "High-Quality Videoconferencing over an ATM Network", Conf. on Implementation, Management, and Provision of Videoconferencing, May 1998.

J. A. Copeland, S. M. Abbott and W. S. Holden, "Triggerable Semiconductor Lasers," 1979 IEEE International Electron Device Meeting, vol. CH1504, pp. 108-110, Dec. 1979.

J. A. Copeland, "Optically-Switched PNPN Light-Emitting Diodes, International Electron Devices Meeting Technical Digest, vol. 77CG1275-7ED, pp. 580-583, Dec. 5, 1977.

J. A. Copeland, J. A. Cooper, R. H. Krambeck, D. C. Stanzione, and L. C. Thomas, " A CMOS Microprocessor for Telecommunications Applications," IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf., vol. 1977, pp. 138-139, Feb. 1977.

J. A. Copeland and R. M. Goldstein, "Computer Simulation of Bubble-Domain Propagation in Conductor-Groove circuits," Proc. of 1972 Conf. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 10, pp. 383-387, 1973.

J. A. Copeland and D. C. Fowlis, "Straight Wall Velocity Versus Field in Magnetic Bubble Domain Materials," Proc. of 1972 Conf. Magnetism and Materials, vol. 10, pp. 393-397, 1973.

J. A. Copeland, "Conductor Propagation Circuits for High-Density Bubble-Domain Memories," '72 INTERMAG Conf. Digest, 1972.

D. C. Fowlis and J. A. Copeland, "Rapid Method for Determining the Magnetization and Intrinsic Length of Magnetic Bubble Domain Materials," Proc. of 1971 Conf. on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat., vol. no. 5, 1972.

J. A. Copeland, "Recent Developments in Magnetic Bubble Technology," AIME Conf. on Electronic Materials, Aug. 1971.

J. A. Copeland, "LSA Oscillator: Theory and Application, Proc. of the Cornell Conf. on High Freq. Gen. and Amplification, pp. 4-12, Aug. 1967.

J. A. Copeland and R. R. Spiwak, "LSA Operation of Bulk n-GaAs Diodes," ISSCC Digest, vol. 10, pp. 26-27, Feb. 1967.

Other Publications

J. A. Copeland, "Patents Can Play a Vital Role in Supporting High Tech Companies," Atlanta Journal-Constitution, p. R3, October 31, 1993.

J. A. Copeland, "Network Facilities Lag Behind Dialup Speed," I.T. Times, pp. 21-23, April 21, 1992.

J. A. Copeland, "LSA Can Come to Mean Large-Size Advantages," Electronics, vol. 40, p. 131, Nov. 13, 1967.

J. A. Copeland, "GaAs Bulk Oscillators Stir Millimeter Waves," Electronics, vol. 40, pp. 91-96, June 12, 1967.


"What's New and Hot in Internet Technologies? Spinning the Web through Global Developments," invited moderator and panelist, Southeast Software Assoc. Internet Technology Symposium, March 10, 1998.

"Planning Georgia's New Statewide Network," invited talk at the Georgia Government Technology Forum, May 6, 1997.

"HPCN Architectures Today," invited panelist at the NSF High Performance Campus Network/vBNS Workshop, University of Colorado at Boulder, Oct. 22-23, 1996.

"Telecommunications in Georgia and the Southeast," at the Southeast-Israel Telecommunications Business Exchange, Nov. 28, 1995.

"The Information Super Highway," Georgia Tech Executive Roundtable, Pine Mountain, Ga., April 29, 1995.

Moderator, Symposium on "Telecommunications Infrastructure," sponsored by the Atlanta and Hong Kong Chambers of Commerce, Atlanta, Oct. 21, 1994.

Opening talk at "National Information Infrastructure: Georgia's Place on the Information Superhighway," sponsored by the Democratic Party's Governor's Council, Sept. 16, 1994.

"Telecommunications Technology," Advisory Council for Telecommunications Relay Service (Speech/Hearing Impaired), Sept. 13, 1994.

Panel Member and Speaker, "Cyberspace and the American Dream," sponsored by the Progress and Freedom Foundation, Aug. 24, 1994.

"GCATT and the Future of Telecommunications in Georgia," Atlanta Chapter of the Association of Systems Management, July 19, 1994.

"Future Instructional Systems," First Annual Conference for Georgia State Government Trainers, Unicoi Park, GA, April 29, 1994.

"GCATT," Conference-Dinner Speech, National Alliance of Research Centers of Excellence, Sixth Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 18, 1994.

Panel Member and Speaker, "Do We Build It Now," Leadership Cobb, Marietta, GA, Feb. 2, 1994.

"Information Technology - Effects on the Economy," Information Technology - At the Edge, Atlanta, GA, Oct. 6-7, 1993.